External Crosshair V3

Run External Crosshair v3.exe - Click on Settings and choose a crosshair design, change the colour if you want - Close the window and click on Process. - Choose a process to target (only processes with windows will appear), you can also type in the name of a process (it must be on the list).

Bei Problemen mit einem Hack hilft I found this utility that adds an external cross hair on your window of choice: I did not write this and am sharing this for all you who need it, (Badly) External Crosshair v3 What does it do? It will display a crosshair over the chosen process or window until you stop it. What's new: - Rewritten from scratch and more neater (from coding perspective) - The crosshair should always in the correct place no matter what computer you use. There is a crosshair preview now to see what each crosshair looks like.

External Crosshair Download

No flicker whatsoever because of a new drawing method (no longer uses SetPixel) - There's now a process list and window list. Choosing a process will only target the process' main window. The window list contains ALL windows in your taskbar, not just the main window's of the processes. This means you can easily target a specific window. New crosshair designs: Dot and Large Dot. You can now select a specific colour using the colour selector.

You can now adjust the X and Y offset of the crosshair (although you really don't need this) Can I get banned for this? Absolutely not, this does not hook, write or read any memory from another process. The only thing it does is display a crosshair on a window. Does this work on fullscreen games? No (although I haven't tried), that'd require hooking DirectX which could result in a ban. Requirements:.NET Framework 3.5 How do I use this?

- Download and extract the attachment - Run External Crosshair v3.exe - Click on Settings and choose a crosshair design, change the colour if you want - Close the window and click on Process. Choose a process to target (only processes with windows will appear), you can also type in the name of a process (it must be on the list). Alternatively, you can click on Window List and choose a specific window.

Close the window and click Start. Click Stop to close/hide the crosshair. Credits: master131 pimvdb and Spazzarama for little snippets of code.

Hereticle ( hi- ˈre-ti-kəl ) is a first- and third-person-shooter gaming gadget US patent pending that offers a more exciting, precise, realistic, and disciplined gaming experience. Designed to be easily mounted on most types of monitors, Hereticle is also designed to be easily deployed and easily withdrawn. Imitating a real “iron sight”, it creates a fresh new focus that revitalizes your old, familiar games, and adds a cool crosshairs perspective to new games. It can inspire never before seen gaming modes that take full advantage of the enhanced gaming sensation Hereticle brings; and ultimately, a totally new class of games that incorporate Hereticle as their integral element. Like what you see?

External Crosshair V3

Crosshair Program

Please help us spread the word! – Like, +1, Pin, Tweet, Share! What is it and why is it? Hereticle is an external reticle gaming accessory for first- and third-person-shooter games. Its base is mounted onto the top edge of the monitor. A thin carbon fiber rod extends from the base towards the center of the screen, and at the end of the rod is the crosshairs attachment that, when, assists your aiming towards the center of the screen. The rod assembly easily swings to fixed positions every quarter turn, allowing to either deploy the external reticle for gaming, or to move it above the monitor so that it’s out of the way when it’s not needed in gaming action.

External Crosshair V3

Hereticle is a gaming gadget that creates a much experience. Because the external reticle is positioned at a distance from the screen, it creates a new plane of focus. If you’re familiar with the traditional sighting mechanism used in firearms – what’s sometimes called the “iron sights” – you know that in order to use it one needs to learn to align several planes of focus at different distances: the rear sight, the front sight, and the target. Hereticle brings a similar effect into computer gaming by introducing the second plane of focus, creating a more realistic visual experience. In addition to offering a fresh perspective into the gaming action, Hereticle also introduces a new element of physical discipline. In order to take advantage of the external sight, one must sit in an upright position, with one’s eyesight properly aligned with the crosshairs and the center of the monitor.

So it’s good for your posture, too!

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