Hobbyking Pitts Special Manual

. Russian Yak-50. While there have been many versions of the Pitts Special - in both single and two seat versions - it is widely accepted in the aviation community that the Pitts Special is THE standard by which all other aerobatic planes are judged - and few have ever matched. Additional Items Required to Complete the Pitts Special:. 2 x Standard size high torque, metal geared servos for aileron control.

Mar 20, 2011 This is my new plane from Hobbyking and it looks awesome I have always been a fan of the biplanes, whether its and ultimate biplane or a pitts special.

  1. View and Download GREAT PLANES Pitts Special ARF instruction manual online. 1/3 Sciale Almost-Ready-Ti-Fly Aerobat. Pitts Special ARF Toy pdf manual download.
  2. HobbyKing Pitts EPP review. - Instruction manual. Hacker-Model Pitts Special S1 EPP ARF Review: Michael Heer: Foamies (Kits) 7.

2 x Standard size high torque, metal geared servos for rudder and elevator. 1 x Standard servo for throttle. THE WINGS STEP 1. Glue each of the aileron hinges (four per aileron) half way into the wing training edges using thin cyano ensuring the glue soaks into the hinge and the surrounding wood.

Fit teh ailerons to the wings ensuring gap-free hinge lines, making sure the ailerons are centred between the root and tip, and that each is free to move through their entire travel. Turn the wing over and clip off any excess screw length flush with the horn backing plates as shown. Ensure that the extended aileron servo leads cannot fall back into the wings.

UNDERCARRIAGE STEP 7. Roughen the inside of each wheel spat and glue the plywood reinforcement squares in place as shown. Locate the tailwheel and the three self tapping mounting screws. Pilot drill the holes, then attach to the rear of the fuselage ensuring that the pivot point is in line with the rudder hinge line. Mount the main undercarriage using the three cap head screws supplied. Clamp your engine to the mount ensuring that the front of the prop driver is 130mm in front of the bulkhead. Mark the engine mount though the engine’s mounting lugs as shown and remove the engine.

Drill clearance holes in the engine mount for the mounting bolts supplied. UNDERWING FAIRING STEP 19. Temporarily bolt the lower wing in position and tape the underwing fairing in place, ensuring that it is centred and level with the fuselage at the front and rear. Mark the fairing’s position on the wing using a felt tipped pen. Use the closed loop components to complete the rudder linkage as shown.

The elevators use a pre- formed Y shaped pushrod operated from a single servo as shown. Test the free operation of the elevators and rudder. FINAL ASSEMBLY STEP 25. Mount the switch through the fuselage side and the receiver on dense foam tie-wrapped to the mount shown, which is screwed into place on the servo tray after the fuel tank has been fitted. If fitting a high capacity receiver battery (recommended), you will be able to mount this in the bay behind the fuel tank. Flying Tips Just like the full-size, the Pitts Special is a highly manoeuvrable and aerobatic biplane. As with any close coupled biplane it should not be slowed too much on landing until familiar with the model’s characteristics.

This is a review of. Pitts EPP is an electric aerobatic biplane, made of EPP foam which is very resilient to crashes and almost unbreakable, thus very good for beginners. Packaging: As always - HK does a very good job packing their models. All parts were covered with bubble-wrap and taped to the box so they won't move or break.

Pitts special s-1

A you can see - nothing was damaged or broken. Whats in the box?

Pitts Special S-1

- EPP wings,fuse and tail - 2212 1400KV 50g brushless motor + GWS 8040 prop - Linkage hardware - Black Fiberglass reinforcement rods - Landing gear + wheel pants - Instruction manual What you will need to complete the model: - 1000-1300 3S Lipo - 3pcs of 9g servo - 20A ESC - 4CH RX and TX - Building materials: CA glue, CA accelerator, Ruler, hobby-knife The Building: The instructions in the manual were very clear. Each step is followed by an explanation and a color photo. There are 60 steps. The building took 5 hours. Any beginner can build this model with such detailed instructions. So let's begin: Step 1 - Fuselage reinforcement rod By using a ruler, some tape and hobby-knife I install the rod into the EPP. Glued it using CA.

Step 2 - Firewall assembly Make sure you put it together straight Step 3 - Tail servo's installation Step 4 - Canopy assembly You will need to cut holes for the servo arms Step 5 - Tail assembly Step 6 - Wings assembly One fiberglass rod is enough because we will ad balsa supports later. Step 7 - Gluing the ailerons servo arm extension I added string for better bonding. Step 8 - Wings X reinforcement You need to reinforce the wings using X shape from fiberglass rods, one X in each side. This stiffens the wings very much. Step 9 - Tail skid Test Flight: This motor has a lot of power.

It hovers just over 1/2 throttle, and has a very good vertical power at full throttle. Takeoff from the hand is easy. Takeoff and landing on the the runway is very fun - you can takeoff after 5 meters or let it ride and slowly pull up so you get a nice scaly takeoff. Taxi is very easy thanks to the surprisingly efficient rudder.

The rudder, although looks very small for a 3D plane, does an excellent job in the air. The Ailerons don't have enough throw so I will need to add a carbon stripe so all the ailerons will move and not just the part that is close to the horn. Also I consider changing to a 14g 2.5KG servo. The 9g 1.6KG servo I used can't move the 4 ailerons to their desired end-point. I couldn't attempt much 3D flight because of this, and after I fix this I will post a 3D flight video. Just flying the model was great fun, very stable and easy to fly, thus suitable for beginners and medium-level flyers. Landing this model on the runway is so much fun - take a look at the second half of the video.

(3 min 40 sec). Never had problems with it coming loose,Ive had epp planes that i used blenderm on for well over a year. Clean surface and laying it down over the hinge line without stretching it is the key. Some swear it wont stick well though,could be how they apply it or possibly different densitys of epp is more or less porous and it doesnt stick as well for them. The epp hinges like that are very stiff and rob a lot of torque from the servo making for mushy slow aileron response and less deflection.

Hey this thing looks cool! The paintjob even goes around the edges, which is rare for these 'EPP Slab' type of planes. My Superzoom 4D for example had ugly white edges, I had to fix it with some magic marker.

I'm loving the servos being hidden, personally I'm a neatfreak so tucking em away is a plus. Im also surprised to see the tailfeathers also made from EPP, some of these planes have some weird brittle foam (depron/fanfold) for some stupid reason.

A clean, goodlooking plane. I hope there's still some room on santa's list. How bout using 2 5gr servos per aileron? I did just that, (fitted the HXT500's side by side in the hole, I mounted them upright, so the horns and linkages are on top of the wing, as to not damage them when belly landing on grass.but even with sanding of the ailerons, I'm still not quite fuly satisfied, as the ailerons go more down than up. (Due to the sanding the moving of the ailerons themselves is almost resistanceless, but there is hardly enough force in the servo to pull 2 interconnected ailerons up. (Whereas pushing them down goes ok.

I'm using DuBro long servo arms, so maybe with standard length arms there is enough force to pull them up, but this sacrifices the maximum deflection angle (down), so I think there is no gain here). With the 2x 5 grams servo setup it still rolls ok, (acceptable) but not lightning fast, so there could be quite a gain with stronger servos.


I am thinking of replacing them with 2 HXT900's. (Which is a pain since I mounted the servos upright remember.) I had serious doubts about the stiffness of the wing panels with using the supplied carbon rods, (the carbon is VERY soft, if you'd buy these in the hobbyshop, you'd reject them for being too flexible!) When you install the carbon as per instructions, you can still just about fold a wing panel in half. I went with them anyway, and when the whole bi wing setup is assembled with the crossbracings in place, The wings do become very stiff indeed! The batteries I use are Rhino 3cells 750mAh velcroed to the side. Overall I must make HK a very BIG BIG compliment, this plane is a winner! It is cheap, looks good and performance wise: it tracks incredibly straight, and there's way more than enough power with the supplied setup!

(It cruises nicely along at 1/3 throttle, flies straight up out of your hand, and at full throttle it goes pretty fast for a bipe (The video (although niely done with the music and all) a few posts back really does not do it justice in how straight it tracks, and how fast it can be flown!) Awesome plane, I highly recommend it! Amplitube 3 vs 4.

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