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Frugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors.

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Let's all work together to keep on-topic, friendly, honest and helpful. Rules. Be civil and respectful. Inane or crude posts will be removed, as will any promoting illegal activity or hate speech. No commercial links, referral codes, blog spam or solicitations. No politics.

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This is not the place for it. No self promotion.

As neat as it might be, this is not the place to push your blog, site, app, or service. Some guidelines. Everyone has their own definition of frugality, and reason for being frugal. Discuss and debate, but don't fight over it, or be condescending to those who do not share your particular view on frugality. Be informative. If posting a deal, haul or find, elaborate as to location and nature of the deal - whether it was a local thing, a one time deal, seasonal, what you plan to do with it and how, etc.

Observe. Please remember that you can help us enforce the rules by using the report button. Now featuring; Thrifty Thursday! A weekly thread for deals, hauls, and finds you want to share. Show off your coupon haul, your farmer's market haul, your thrift shop loot, or the furniture you found and renovated. If you really can't wait to share it, please follow guideline 2, and accompany your post with information on how it was frugal, how you acquired it, or how others could do the same.

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